

Click a button on the rightbottom panel to preview a page in progress.



This page! I'm always updating it, because it's helping me keep track of what I want to do next.

TODO: Keep watch for undesired behavior, especially when the button panel overflows with distinct entries.

May rework the code to make it easier to add entries. If that requires JavaScript, I may write a code-generation tool instead, to avoid adding JavaScript to this actual page. I'd rather keep the code without JavaScript, because I think this page is pretty cool-looking for a page with no scripts.


Journal Index

When there are more journal entries, add tag filtering functionality.


Resume Webpage

Make it clearer that the nav links are links! Right now, this page is probably the least clear on the fact that there's a whole rest of the website attached to it.

TODO: add portfolio projects.


My Diary

It's responsive now!

I may improve the CSS pagination. If I add a custom-page selector, it'll have to be through JavaScript, since the page would still function without it and I don't want to de-sync the CSS page-selection boxes.


Devlog 1 - The Beginning of The Site

Consider styles and helpful features for reading & referencing parts of the page.


Professional Self-Development Page

Page is still incomplete.

TODO: Make it responsive. Will likely make the mobile version into 3 equal-width cards that are each the size of the screen but scroll horizontally. May use a JavaScript section selecion instead of a regular horizontal scroll. Header will be centered instead of left-aligned in the mobile site version.

Once a "Hobbies & Interests" page is present, link it at the end of the skills list section in the Self-Development page.


Other TODO List Items

Just some things to do that aren't specific to an existing page on the site.


Work In Progress -->